Genome Res. 2011 May; 21(5): 734–740.
Efficient storage of high throughput DNA sequencing data using reference-based compression
European Molecular Biology Laboratory's European
Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton,
Cambridgeshire CB10 1SD, United Kingdom
1Corresponding author.E-mail
Received September 2, 2010; Accepted January
13, 2011.
Copyright © 2011 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Freely available online through the
Genome Research Open Access option.
This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
Data storage costs have become an appreciable proportion of
total cost in the creation and analysis of DNA sequence data. Of particular
concern is that the rate of increase in DNA sequencing is significantly
outstripping the rate of increase in disk storage capacity. In this paper we
present a new reference-based compression method that efficiently compresses DNA
sequences for storage. Our approach works for resequencing experiments that
target well-studied genomes. We align new sequences to a reference genome and
then encode the differences between the new sequence and the reference genome
for storage. Our compression method is most efficient when we allow controlled
loss of data in the saving of quality information and unaligned sequences. With
this new compression method we observe exponential efficiency gains as read
lengths increase, and the magnitude of this efficiency gain can be controlled by
changing the amount of quality information stored. Our compression method is
tunable: The storage of quality scores and unaligned sequences may be adjusted
for different experiments to conserve information or to minimize storage costs,
and provides one opportunity to address the threat that increasing DNA sequence
volumes will overcome our ability to store the sequences.
DNA sequencing has had a major impact on life sciences since
the wide scale adoption of the Sanger sequencing method (Sanger et al. 1977). With the advent of array-based
pyrosequencing in 2005 (Margulies et al. 2005), followed rapidly by new
sequencing-by-synthesis and sequencing-by-ligation techniques, there has been an
exponential increase in the generation of DNA sequence data (Stein 2010). Critically, these newer technologies are
developing at a much greater rate than was seen for the older technologies, with
the current doubling time for DNA sequence output—as measured by output per unit
cost—of around 5 mo (Stein 2010). In practical terms this has provided a
1000-fold drop in sequencing costs since 1990 and has made economically possible
an increasing number of large data projects. These include the 1000 Genomes
Project (The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium 2010), the
International Cancer Genome Project (ICGC 2010), and a variety of projects that use DNA
sequences as an assay platform, such as the ENCODE project (ENCODE Project Consortium 2004).
There are many challenges in handling this “next generation”
of sequence data, from the highly fragmented nature of the shorter reads
generated by the new technologies, to storage, analysis, and computational
requirements for such large data volumes. The new technologies typically create
large direct storage costs as a result of the imaging data that require
post-sequencing processing and analysis. These storage costs have sometimes
exceeded reagent costs. However, this large excess storage requirement is
primarily for “unprocessed” data and large-scale facilities have streamlined
their pipelines to discard images at the earliest possible stage and use
standard compression methods for the “processed” data in order to reduce storage
requirements and associated costs. For example, the Sequence Read Archive (SRA)
(Shumway, Cochrane, and Sugawara, 2010), run by the
INSDC partners ( as a raw data repository for data from new
sequencing platforms, has adopted more efficient compression routines to deliver
a final on-disk footprint some 200- to 500-fold reduced relative to that of raw
image-containing sequence data.
However, the absolute data volume, whether stored near to the
sequencing machines or compressed in archives, is of less concern than the
consistent growth in sequencing capacity. Prior to 2005 the rate of increase in
sequencing capacity (doubling time around 18 mo) was close to the rate of
increase in disk storage capacity (doubling time between 18 and 24 mo) on a per
unit cost basis. This meant that, even with conservative engineering techniques,
stable budgeting allowed production sequencing facilities and archival databases
to match the increase in sequencing rate with the required storage hardware. The
drop in sequencing capacity doubling time without a concomitant decrease in
storage costs means either that there must be a progressive reduction in the
fraction of sequence data that are stored data or, alternatively, a progressive
increase in storage budgets. The latter seems an unattractive and unlikely
A number of scientific projects and activities have similar
“large data” components, albeit with differing parameters and doubling times.
One such high-profile project is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, which
will generate an estimated 15 petabytes of data per year when fully active ( LHC
scientists are concerned only with a very small subset of “interesting” events
recorded against an overwhelming backdrop of unimportant physical events. By
processing the LHC data stream in real-time and discarding all uninteresting
measurements as noise, vastly reduced data volumes can be achieved for long-term
storage. Medical and scientific image processing provide a different large-data
set processing example. In many fields, images, and in particular video images,
can be collected in almost unlimited quantities, and the application of
selective data compression, sensitive to scientific decisions about the value of
data components, is essential. A key concept in the compression of images is
“controlled loss of precision” in which different compression routines lose
precision of the image appropriate for the desired reuse.
There are three approaches to dealing with the growth in
sequences submitted to the public databases: (1) A add storage; (2) throw away
some data (“triage”); and (3) compress the stored data. These three are not
mutually exclusive. A number of arguments for not storing all sequence data have
been put forward. These include “don't store the data, just store the physical
DNA sample,” “discard older data,” “discard data from samples that can be
regenerated,” and “don't store the raw data, store only the analysis output,
such as the differences.” The last parallels the approaches taken by the LHC and
image processing work in that it saves only informative data.
What is common to most of these suggestions is the implied
ability to resequence any sample at any given point of time, thus obviating the
need to store the available sequence data electronically. Given the large scale
of international projects, it is clear that at least in the short term the large
volumes of data generated by distributed production centers will have to be kept
available and ready for aggregation and analysis. One might argue that after
analysis, the raw data should no longer be stored electronically. However, many
of these projects run for several years and, even after they have been
completed, further follow-up projects arise that require easy access to the
data. In addition, the exponential decrease in storage costs means that the cost
for storing any particular data set is heavily weighted to the early years of
its storage. Given the large worldwide investment in variation and cancer
sequencing, it seems inappropriate to limit the reanalysis of sequencing data
over the forthcoming decade for the sake of data storage costs.
An additional major concern is the feasibility of storing or
reacquiring samples. Many clinical samples have low DNA content, meaning that
the samples cannot be stored and freely distributed in the future. Where samples
are nonrenewable, as it is for many cancer and other human samples, future
availability of sequence data may only be guaranteed through permanent
electronic archives. Even when samples are renewable, the cost of acquiring them
can be considerable, especially for clinical samples. Finally, long-term storage
and distribution of DNA samples worldwide is a complex operation, with
considerable costs in physical storage, shipping, and end-point sequencing.
Another option for dealing with increasing sequencing data is
compression. In its natural representation as a string of characters, a DNA
sequence can be compressed using generic approaches, for which a rich literature
exists. Beyond this, though, compressibility of DNA sequence can take advantage
of certain biological characteristics, such as, for example, repeat content and
relationship to existing sequence. Prior work on DNA sequence compression,
reviewed in Matsumoto et al. (2000) has yielded DNACompress,
exploiting redundancy within DNA sequences due to approximate repeats (Chen et al. 2002), and DNAzip (Christley et al. 2009), introducing the important idea
of only storing differences to a reference sequence, but in this case for
storing an entire, assembled genome as a series of differences.
In this paper we describe a new and more efficient method for
raw DNA sequence data storage, reference-based compression, that nevertheless
does have some aspects of “triage” in that some information is lost. This is
closest to the “don't store the raw data, store only the analysis output, such
as the differences” intuition cited above, but changes the challenge from
appropriate scientific analysis to appropriate compression. We do not aim to
perform a certain type of analysis under our scheme, nor do we constrain
ourselves to current resources, such as any one current reference genome. A key
feature of reference-based compression is that its performance improves
exponentially with respect to areas of growth in DNA sequencing technology, so
it can mitigate the mismatch between DNA sequencing capacity and disk technology
growth rates as well as reducing the absolute quantity of stored data. Efficient
reference-based compression requires a controlled loss of precision in terms of
the sequencing information stored. Usefully, the trade-off between loss of
precision and storage efficiency cost can be quantified and presented to the
scientific community for discussion of where it is most appropriate to maintain
higher precision. Our goal is to bring about a scenario where, for any
reasonable sustained improvement in DNA sequencing technology, a constant cost
storage solution is available with a well understood loss of precision
appropriate for future reuse.
Lossless reference-based compression of DNA sequence
The basis of our method is the efficient storage of
information that is identical or near-identical to input “reference” sequences.
The key feature of our method is that new sequences identical to the reference
have minimal impact on storage regardless of their length or depth of sequencing
coverage. Additionally, we use the reference genome strictly as a compression
framework, and do not require any biological correctness for the reference. We
first focus on lossless compression of the base sequence, then discuss
information that cannot easily be represented by mapping to the reference genome
(such as unaligned reads), and finally cover appropriate controlled loss of
precision on continuous information (such as qualities). The overall outline of
our method is shown in Figure
Schematic of the compression technique. (A) Reads are first
aligned to an established reference. (B) Unaligned reads are then
pooled to create a specific “compression framework” for this data set.
(C) The base pair information is then
To store information efficiently using a known reference
sequence as a compression framework, we need to take advantage of the fact that
most reads in a resequencing run match the sequence perfectly or near-perfectly.
In our approach, we take a mapping of the reads against the reference sequence
(Fig. 1B)
and summarize both mapping properties and deviations from the reference in an
efficient manner (Fig. 1C).
Much of the efficiency of our method relies on appropriate use of Golomb codes
(Golomb 1966) that are now a standard compression technique for
storing integer values.
The method works as follows:
We store the lookup position of each read on the reference sequence as the integer position on this compression framework. The lengths of reads are compressed using Huffman coding (Huffman 1952). For constant read length across a file, we store the length once.
We assume that read order does not have any meaning for any given data set and reorder the reads with respect to the integer position determined in (1), allowing efficient relative encoding of the positions by storing the differences between successive values instead of the absolute values. Given coverage and read length, a Golomb code is chosen that is parameterized on the expected distance between reads.
Any variation from the reference is stored as an offset relative to the integer position from (1), along with the base identities (for substitutions and insertions) or the length (for deletions). Offset values, again, are assigned a Golomb code parameterized on the distance between successive variation positions.
The read pair information is stored as an unsigned rank offset from the positionally lower read to the positionally higher read, with three bits present to indicate relative orientation of reads and the strands from which they were sequenced. Again, Golomb encoding, parameterized on expected rank offsets, is used.
Figure 2
shows the behavior of this compression technique for simulated data sets at a
variety of different read lengths, error rates, and coverage, for both unpaired
and paired data sets. The worst case scenario uses 0.66 bits/base pair, and the
best case uses 0.02 bits/base pair. These compare very favorably with efficient
bzip2 compression for raw base DNA of about 1 bit/base pair, and are
considerably more efficient than BAM-based storage (Li et al. 2009). We observe an exponential increase in
efficiency of storage with higher read lengths (at any given coverage).
Similarly, there is a progressive increase in efficiency in storage as coverage
increases between 1× and 30×, but this is eventually saturated. At different
error, coverage, and read length costs, the different components take differing
proportions of the storage. Figure 3
shows the breakdown in storage costs for three parameterizations, and shows that
the relative proportion of read information to variant information changes
considerably for different coverage and error rate scenarios.
Compression efficiency for simulated data sets. The plot shows
storage of DNA sequence expressed as a bits/base stored on the y-axis
(log scale) vs. coverage of data sets (x-axis) for different read
lengths (the different colors) after reference-based
Storage components for three parameterizations of simulated data:
0.1% error and 1× coverage (left panel), 1% error and 1× coverage
(middle), and 1% error and 25× coverage (right).
readpos and readflags is the storage of the read
Table 1 shows two
real data sets with their alignable portion compressed using this method, while
Supplemental Table 1 shows error rates for the same two data sets. The
compression rates are close to the simulated data sets, and are between fivefold
to 54-fold smaller than compressed FASTA or BAM, respectively. Even if one
distributed the reference sequence along with the data set each time, the
reference bases contribute a small amount to the total storage. A key question
is whether to keep soft clipped information or not. Clipping is the process of
removing the sequencing chemistry adaptors from the sequence. Soft clipping is
the usual standard for sequencing in which the adaptors are identified, but not
removed explicitly, allowing future analysis routines to change the clip point.
Although soft clipped DNA information might add a small percentage of bases onto
each read, for this compression method it creates an edit structure, and thus a
storage overhead, on nearly every read. Interestingly in the bacterial set,
because the soft clipped reads are of constant length, the soft clipped data
compresses better than hard clipped. For the human 1000 genomes case, with a
mixture of read lengths and considerable variation in soft clip length, the hard
clipped sequences compress better.
Efficient compression frameworks for unmapped reads
While mapped sequence is efficiently stored using the
reference sequence compression framework, unmapped sequences cannot be
compressed in this manner and may dominate storage cost. Usually between 10% and
40% of reads remain unmapped to traditional references; the exact figure depends
upon the experimental and mapping strategies. Furthermore, for some experiments,
such as short RNA sequencing, the unmapped proportion can rise to 60%–70% of
reads. For the highest efficiency of compression, we aim to develop a
compression framework in which as many reads as possible can be placed. Here the
distinction between a biologically correct reference sequence and a “useful”
compression framework becomes more pronounced. Critically, a compression
framework need not be biologically correct or interpretable; it simply needs to
provide efficient compression.
Our strategy is to pool unmapped reads from a variety of
“similar” experiments, e.g., those using the same individual or species, and
then discover runs of sequences that are present across the experiments. These
sequences then serve as a secondary compression framework upon which we can
provide efficient storage. This is similar but not identical to the task of
finding the “correct” assembled sequence from the fragmented reads from genome
shotgun sequencing. Here, we have used a large-scale de Bruijn graph framework,
Cortex (Z Iqbal and M Caccamo, in prep.), to find regions of contiguous sequence
in unaligned reads. From a sample of unaligned reads from the NA12878 genome,
which is the most sequenced human individual from the 1000 Genomes panel, we
observe that a novel 45 MB of contiguous sequences could be generated, to which
14% of the previously unaligned reads could be mapped. The reads compressed to
0.26 bits/base if stored without read pair information. Finally, we matched the
remaining unaligned reads to both a further human sequence (the Venter sequence)
and all bacterial and viral sequences (assuming potential laboratory or sample
contamination), with the understanding that the proportion of reads that mapped
at this step could be compressed against these further references. In this step,
an additional 3% of reads could be compressed at a similar compression rate.
However, this left a considerable number of reads (83%) that cannot be easily
compressed. Compressing the raw sequence of these reads yields a compression
rate of 2.12 bits/base, somewhat higher than average sequencing reads.
Furthermore, the reads do not show dense, repeated kmer frequencies; 57% of 21
mers were unique in the data set and <1 showed="showed">10 frequencies. This
strongly suggests that there is not a systematic source of sequence at high
coverage in the remaining unaligned sequences. We comment on how these
unalignable sequences may be treated in the Discussion section below.1>
Storage of continuous values related to base quality
So far we have focused on the development of lossless base
sequence compression. Also important for a number of applications of sequencing
data is per-base continuous value information. While previously this was
commonly raw intensity data, the recent trend amongst large projects has been to
recommend not preserving these data due to the lack of observed reuse of this
information, but rather to preserve phred or log-scale base call quality values
(Ewing and Green 1998). Although these phred scores are
reasonably compressible due to their limited integer range and very biased
composition (in our hands, real data sets have about 3.5 bits/quality score
after Huffman-based compression), this is still far higher than the lossless
base pair compression described above. Instead we have implemented a different
scheme in which all the quality scores of positions showing variation are stored
and, in addition, a user-defined percentage of quality positions that are
identical to reference are stored. In both cases, the qualities are then further
compressed using a Huffman-based code.
A scientific decision regarding the scope and best use of
this “quality budget” for any given data set can then ensue. For example, it may
be sensible to have all reads mapping to known copy number variation regions or
sites with ambiguous SNP calls associated with rich quality information. For
this paper we have chosen a simple scheme to store the lowest set of qualities
of bases that are identical to the reference. This scientific decision about how
to use the quality budget will be specific to at least classes of data, and
potentially specific data sets. By allowing the quality budget to be variable,
this compression can place more value on some data sets than others, and there
can be a progressive reduction of quality budgets over time to mitigate the risk
of discarding important differences in quality values early on in any practical
implementation process.
Figure 4
shows the overall storage cost at different quality budgets and different read
lengths. Unsurprisingly, decreasing the quality budget leads to more
compressible data. In addition, the budget level affects the efficiency of
compression at increasing read lengths; i.e., for a lower quality budget, not
only is there an absolute shift in the compressibility of the data, but also the
data becomes proportionally more compressible at longer lengths. This is because
much of the benefit of the compression occurs when a read matches identically to
the reference at high quality, and so the compression is driven by the
proportion of reads that require no additional data structures. As our current
simulations assume a random distribution of where quality information is used,
any heterogeneity in errors or decisions on where to use quality information
will improve the compressibility of the data. Table 1 shows the impact of using a 2% quality
budget on storage on two real data sets with a 10- to 30-fold compression to
compressed FASTQ or BAM, respectively.
Although the challenge of storing DNA sequencing information
is manageable in the near term, it is important for the biological community to
consider the implications of sustained technology improvements in DNA sequencing
and to plan for better data compression methods—potentially with controlled loss
of precision—before there is a critical mismatch between data generation and
storage. We present here a novel compression method that creates a more explicit
balance between storage cost and the precision at which data is stored. This
compression framework enables us to evaluate the impact of discarding different
components of the sequencing information and thereby to make informed choices
that choose precision at the expense of storage costs, loss of precision to
reduce storage costs, or some value in between.
Our method takes advantage of a number of standard
compression techniques on a specific data structure, namely alignment of reads
to a reference sequence, and relatively standard compression techniques. It is
quite possible that other compression techniques could provide even more
efficiency. For example, the observation that once one has decided to store
quality information on a read, the quality information for a second base is less
expensive to store than the first, may be leveraged in some way. However, our
method already achieves 10- to 30-fold better compression than standard
approaches with real data, and this is expected to rise to 100-fold better with
longer read lengths. In particular, our compression technique becomes more
efficient for longer read lengths, and the increase in efficiency is a function
of the “quality budget” we allow for each data set. As increase in read length
accounts for about half of the gains in productivity of the DNA sequence
technology, this suggests we can set a quality budget level that allows a
matching of the increase of DNA sequence output to the increase of disk storage
capacity, providing a sustainable model for electronic DNA sequence storage. As
much of the potential increase in output in the so-called “third generation”
technologies is currently around read length, our compression system is well
placed to increase in efficiency in step with improvements in sequence
technology throughput. However, it is certainly possible that single molecule
technology will have higher or at the very least, different, error profiles, and
it may be a more complex landscape in which to work out an optimal “quality
Recently Daily et al. (2010) published a similar compression
scheme for DNA sequences. Their general approach, as well, is using a reference
sequence as lookup key and storing position, length, and edit structure of
reads, applying relative encoding and efficient integer codes. While these
authors do explore different integer codes, they don't consider the handling of
unaligned data, paired-end reads, and quality scores. For a high coverage, human
data set, they achieve a similar compression rate (~0.35 bits per base) to our
method, although they don't consider indels at all and restrict to a maximum of
two substitutions per read.
We have focused our efforts on compressing whole genome
shotgun information. This is because such data will be the largest component of
sequence archive growth for the next decade, mainly because of the high sample
numbers per cancer (~500), high coverage requirements (30× on tumor and normal
samples), and high scientific interest (at least 10 declared projects so far) in
cancer resequencing (ICGC 2010). In addition, whole genome sequencing for
medical genetics purposes is likely to be the next largest segment of growth.
Although there may be a large number of RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, or other more basic
biology focused experiments, they currently occupy <20 aimed="aimed" also="also" and="and" applied="applied" archive="archive" are="are" as="as" aspects="aspects" assembly="assembly" at="at" attention="attention" augmented="augmented" bases="bases" be="be" bring="bring" by="by" can="can" cancer="cancer" capturing="capturing" careful="careful" challenges="challenges" chip-seq="chip-seq" community="community" coverage.="coverage." current="current" data.="data." data="data" de="de" discover="discover" due="due" efficiently="efficiently" environmental="environmental" even="even" example="example" expected="expected" experiments="experiments" for="for" further="further" genome="genome" genomics="genomics" growth="growth" if="if" in="in" is="is" it="it" junction="junction" known="known" less="less" level="level" likely="likely" low="low" medical="medical" method="method" must="must" new="new" novo="novo" occupy="occupy" of="of" organisms="organisms" other="other" our="our" p="p" paid="paid" potentially="potentially" previously="previously" progressively="progressively" projects="projects" reads.="reads." reads="reads" reference="reference" relation="relation" rna-seq="rna-seq" sequence="sequence" sequences="sequences" sequencing.="sequencing." sequencing="sequencing" shotgun="shotgun" splice="splice" sra="sra" such="such" taking="taking" that="that" the="the" though="though" thus="thus" to="to" transcript="transcript" types="types" unaligned="unaligned" understanding="understanding" unstudied="unstudied" will="will" would="would">
Our reference-based method provides efficient lossless
compression for reads that align to the reference sequence with few, or no,
differences, as efficiently as 0.02 bits/base. This corresponds to most people's
intuition that one needs to “store only the analysis output, such as the
differences” of a sequencing run. However, there are still critical decisions
about what information to discard. One is to what extent unaligned reads should
be discarded. With an individual- or species-level creation of specific
“compression frameworks” an additional 15% of unaligned reads can be efficiently
stored. A critical scientific question is whether the remaining unaligned reads
should be stored or discarded, and if they should be stored, can some other
compression approach be used to decrease the storage cost. It seems likely that
this decision would be different for different data sets; for example, cancer
genomes compared to their normal controls. A further critical decision is how
large the “quality” budget should be, and how this budget should be distributed.
A practical approach is to adjust the quality budget to balance the disk
improvement rate with improvements in DNA sequencing technologies. As with
unaligned reads, such decisions should ideally be made at the level of the data
set and, as we need to control the overall storage cost, we might increase the
quality budget on some samples (such as tumors) at the expense of other samples
(such as their matched normals). Importantly, this framework is flexible with
regard to quality budgets, so early implementations can be generous in their
quality budget while discussions with analyst and user communities about the
impact of different quality budgets in production pipelines are undertaken.
In this scheme, the quality budget is bounded by the number
of differences between reads and the reference genome to ensure the correct base
sequence is returned; in turn, this difference rate is likely to be dominated by
sequencing error rates rather than biologically interesting phenomena. In
scenarios where there is a large systematic biological difference (e.g., a very
high density of SNPs), one can imagine providing a condensed edit structure for
the reference sequence to improve compressibility. Achieving quality budgets
lower than the sequencing error rate will be more challenging. Potentially one
could imagine preprocessing reads to recognize “clear” sequencing errors, by a
combination of the weight of evidence from other reads and quality values, and
“fix” such errors to be more consistent. However, such manipulations are a more
fundamental change of the experimental data, and would require considerable
discussion of the consequence for downstream analysis before implementation.
We have implemented our algorithms in a prototype written in
the Python programming language. The source files are available at This prototype works with
BAM-based input, but it has been deliberately written to experiment with
different component compression schemes; as such its run time is slow, with
around 2 h taken for compression (see Methods); however, we are confident that
this can be improved at least fivefold, if not more. The current on-disk format
in our prototype is both streamable and indexable by genomic position, so slice
functionality, as provided in BAM format associated tools (Li et al. 2009), would be feasible. Practical
implementation of these ideas will be more productive inside of specific tool
kits, such as BAM or SRA, and we are actively working on this integration. There
are other complex practical aspects for using this scheme, such as who is
responsible for providing the reference alignment, how reference sequences are
stored and verified in different locations, and how additional assembled
references would be computed. Again, a practical implementation would have to
fit into the current data flow from sequencing groups into the archive sites.
However, many of these questions are relevant to current discussions on how to
handle alignment submission in general. By asking for submission as an
alignment, itself a very common part of local analysis, some of the complex
compute stages would be distributed to the submitters rather than the central
resources. In summary, although there are many individual technical details to
resolve before this compression routine becomes part of production processes,
there is no critical piece that is not solvable with appropriate effort.
DNA sequence has become the first molecular data for which
the cost of storage has become a significant proportion of the overall cost of
generation and analysis. In common with other technologies with a high storage
to generation cost, in particular imaging, we must consider carefully what
information, and at what level of precision, is worth storing. As with imaging,
intelligent decisions about the precision of the information stored allow
efficient, loss compression algorithms that retain key components of the
information for future analysis. By creating efficient compression algorithms we
can at least postpone any harder decision about whether specific data sets
should be deleted in their entirety, and at best not limit future analysis of
DNA data based on constraints on current storage budgets. It seems likely that
similar decisions will eventually be necessary for other biological data, from
proteomics to metabolomics, as well as for the compression algorithms used for
biological and clinical images.
For every read we store its starting position with respect to
the reference, its strand, and a flag indicating whether the read matches to the
reference perfectly. Positions are relative encoded (i.e., the difference
between successive positions is stored rather than the absolute value) and
stored as a Golomb code, resulting in a variable length code. Strand and match
flags require one bit each. In the case of a nonperfect match, we store a list
of variations. Every variation is stored as its position on the read, the
variation type (substitution, insertion, deletion), and additional information
(the base change in the case of a substitution, the inserted bases, or the
length of the deletion). Again, positions are relative and Golomb encoded. The
variation type (substitution, insertion, or deletion) is encoded in 1 or 2 bits.
Given the reference base, any substitution to A, C, G, T, or N (other than the
reference base) can be encoded in 2 bits. For quality budgets, where identical
bases are present we store a bit indicating whether the base is the same as the
reference, optionally followed by an encoding of the change of base as explained
before. Inserted bases are encoded in 2 or 3 bits (in truncated binary encoding,
similar to the variation type). Deletion lengths are currently Gamma encoded (Elias 1975).
If different read lengths are present across the input file, we store the length
Huffman-encoded, and store the length values and their counts at the beginning
of the file. For paired-end reads, we store a bit indicating whether a read is
paired, the strand from which the read was sequenced, the relative orientation
of the mate, and the relative offset from the position of the lower to the
higher read. For the latter, a Golomb code is used. More details are given in
the supplemental material.
The code is available from
Files: Table 1
The file
NA12878.chrom20.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.high_coverage.20100311.bam was downloaded from The reference
genome was obtained from
The Pseudomonas syringae files ERR005143_1.fastq and
ERR005143_2.fastq were downloaded from, the reference
genome file from The read files
were concatenated and mapped to the reference using BWA 0.5.8 (Li and Durbin 2009) with default options.
Running times
Supplemental Table 2 shows the running time for compressing
the two experimental data sets. BAM compression is currently implemented as two
steps: i) conversion of BAM into lists of read information and variation; and
ii) the compression of these data.
We thank James Bonfield, Eugene Yaschenko, Richard Durbin,
Paul Flicek, Richa Agarwal, and David Lipman for thoughtful comments and
discussion. Charles Cook provided invaluable proofreading of the manuscript. The
authors were funded by EMBL core funds. The SRA archive is supported by the
Wellcome Trust.
[Supplemental material is available for this article.]
Article published online before print. Article, supplemental
material, and publication date are at Freely
available online through the Genome Research Open Access option.
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