Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Leadership Essentials: Building Your Influence as a Leader

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Why is it so hard to get people to agree to a good idea? Why are some leaders constantly faced with challenges and objections? Reaching agreement as a leader does not mean you should manipulate or force people to accept your ideas and accomplish your objectives; there are ethical ways for leaders to successfully build influence. Leaders attempting to influence and persuade others are faced with the challenges of navigating through organizational politics. An effective leader recognizes that organizational politics can provide positive ways to influence others in order to accomplish goals. In this course, you will be guided through numerous methods and strategies for effectively influencing a team to accept your ideas. You'll be introduced to the importance of political awareness and the essential skills involved in using positive politics and avoiding negative politics when persuading others. You'll also have an opportunity to practice methods for influencing effectively and ethically.

Lesson Objectives:

Personal and Political Influence

  • recognize and classify examples of techniques for influencing people
  • recognize actions that use politics to influence others in a positive way
  • use influence techniques to persuade others while avoiding the negative use of politics, in a given scenario
The Process of Influencing Others Purpose: Use this job aid to guide you through the process of preparing and making a persuasive case to influence stakeholders.



Follow these four steps when persuading stakeholders using your influence and political power.

Step 1: Prepare your case
  • Clarify your purpose, position, and objective.
  • Identify stakeholders.
  • Anticipate potential points of resistance for each stakeholder.
Step 2: Ask for what you want

  • Define what you want.
  • Create a unifying goal or objective.
Step 3: Make your case

  •  Customizing the message
    • Identify stakeholders' interests.
    • Use the "what's in it for them" technique to customize your message.
    • Choose the right media and format to package the message in a way that appeals to the stakeholder.  
  • Using questions 
    • Use open-ended questions to elicit information. 
    • Use closed-ended questions to focus discussions or obtain agreement.
  • Acknowledging opposing perspectives and then moving on 
    • Acknowledge the truth in the opposing perspective. 
    • Move on by offering an alternative way to think about your perspective. 
  • Using logic and evidence 
    • Use logic to support your position. 
    • Provide evidence to support your position. 
  • Providing options that people can agree to without compromising their position or dignity 
    • Determine what the stakeholder can agree to and offer a solution.

Step 4: Ask for commitment and finalize

  •  Assess readiness and ask for commitment when appropriate. 
  • If not ready, ask what you can do to get commitment and continue to make your case. 
  • If ready, ask for commitment.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

생각을 체계화하라

Logical Thinking - MECE 분해 툴

1. 회사,사업관련(3C)
  • Customer
  • Company
  • Competitor
2. 판매 관련(4P)
  • Product
  • Price
  • Promotion
  • Place
3.  제조 (4M)
  • Man
  • Machine
  • Material
  • Method
4. 개인 성과
  • Capability
  • Authority
  • Reponsibility
  • Evaluation

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Communication of a Shared Vision

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"If you can dream it, you can do it." Walt Disney's words ring as true today as they did many years ago when they were first displayed above the Epcot Center. The importance of a vision cannot be denied. Neither can the importance of communicating that vision to the people responsible for supporting it. Communicating your vision gives purpose and meaning to the work that people do, and pursuing and accomplishing that vision with a sense of integrity builds trust in you as an individual and as a leader. This course will teach you how to communicate a shared vision and get action on that vision across all sectors of your working environment.

Lesson Objectives:

The Importance of Vision
  • recognize the importance of thinking like a visionary.
  • use actions that demonstrate visionary thinking in a given scenario.
  • identify how the past can be utilized to formulate a vision.
  • specify elements that enhance the process for creating a vision.
  • communicate your vision to employees in a way that will attain employee commitment.
Giving Meaning to Work
  • recognize the benefits of having meaningful work.
  • choose techniques that assist leaders in providing purpose and direction.
  • identify how purpose, teamwork, and systems are interconnected.
  • identify elements that make up organizational culture.
Building Trust Through Integrity
  • recognize the value of balancing aspiration and ability with integrity.
  • determine if appropriate actions have been taken by a well balanced leader in a given scenario.
  • use empathy to build trust with an employee, in a given scenario.
  • demonstrate ethics to build trust in a given scenario.

Acting on Goals
  • recognize the benefits of acting on your goals.
  • apply the process for setting a realistic goal, in a given scenario.
  • select elements that contribute to committing to action.
  • apply the steps for strategic thinking to a planning situation, in a given scenario.
  • Identify the characteristics of various types of power that can be helpful in achieving goals.

Monday, August 2, 2010

승자와 패자의 차이

승자와 패자의 차이

승자는 언제나 답을 제시하지만
패자는 언제나 문제를 제기한다.

승자는 언저ㅔ나 계획을 갖고 있지만 패자는 언제나 변명을 한다.

승자는 "너를 위해 내가 그것을 하곗다."고 말하지만
패자는 "그것은 내 일이 아니다." 라고 말한다.
승자는 모든 문제에서 답을 찾지만
패자는 모든 답에서 문제를 찾아낸다.

승자는 모든 모래 구덩이 근처에서 초원을 찾아내지만
패자는 모든 초원 근처에서 두 세개의 모래 구덩를 찾아낸다.

승자는 "어렵지만 가능하다."고 말하지만
패자는 "가능하지만 너무 어렵다."고 말한다.
승자는 항상 할 수 있다고 말하지만
패자는 항상 할 수 없다고 말한다.

승자는 일을 해결할 수 있는 방법을 찾지만
패자는 일을 피할 수 있는 방법을 찾는다.
승자의 입에는 솔직함이 가득하고 패자는 핑계만 가득하다.

승자는 넘어지면 일어나 앞을 보고
패자는 일어나 뒤를 돌아본다.
승자는 패자보다 열심히 일하지만 시간의 여유가 있고
패자는 승자보다 게으르지만 늘 "바쁘다."고 말한다.

승자의 하루는 25시간이고 패자의 하루는 23시간밖에 안된다.
승자는 구름 위의 태양을 보고 패자는 구름 속의 비를 본다.