Wednesday, December 5, 2012

i2b2 (Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside)


i2b2: Informatics for Integrating Biology & the Bedside - A National Center for Biomedical Computing
i2b2 (Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside) is an NIH-funded National Center for Biomedical Computing based at Partners HealthCare System. The i2b2 Center is developing a scalable informatics framework that will enable clinical researchers to use existing clinical data for discovery research and, when combined with IRB-approved genomic data, facilitate the design of targeted therapies for individual patients with diseases having genetic origins. This platform currently enjoys wide international adoption by the CTSA network, academic health centers, and industry.  i2b2 is funded as a cooperative agreement with the National Institutes of Health.


Current DBPs
    Autoimmune/CV Diseases
    Diabetes/CV Diseases
Past DBPs
    Airways Diseases
    Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
    Huntington's Disease
    Major Depressive Disorder
    Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Computational Tools
    De-Identification Demo
    NLP Research Data Sets
    NLP Shared Tasks
    Academic Users' Group


    Video from i2b2 Tutorial
    Developing an i2b2 Cell and Client Plugin
    in conjunction with CTSA KFC Meeting and AMIA Annual Symposium
    Wednesday, November 7, 2012
    Northwestern University
    Now available via AUG Webpage 

    and NLP Workshop
    July 24 - 25, 2012

    *** i2b2 NLP DATA SET #4 (from 2010 Challenge) ***
    A complete set of annotated and unannotated, deidentified patient discharge summaries from the First, Second (Obesity),Third (Medication) and Fourth Shared Tasks for Challenges in NLP for Clincial Data are now available to the community for research purposes. Check it out at ourNLP Data Sets page . Please note you must register AND submit a DUA for access.
    *** Publications In the News ***
     Gallagher PJ, Castro V, Fava M, Weilburg JB, Murphy SN, Gainer VS, Churchill SE, Kohane IS, Iosifescu DV, Smoller JW, Perlis RH,  Antidepressant response in individuals with Major Depressive Disorder exposed to NSAIDS: a pharmacovigilance study.  Am J Physchiatry 2012;169:1065-1072.
    Castro V, Gallagher PJ, Clements CC, Murphy SN, Gainer VS, Weilburg JB, Fava M, Churchill SE, Kohane IS, Smoller JW, Iosifescu DV, Perlis RH.  Incident user cohort study of risk for gastrointestinal bleed and stroke in individuals with Major Depressive Disorder treated with antidepressants.  Brit Med J Open.  2012 Mar 30;2(2):e000544.
    Kohane IS: Using electronic health records to drive discovery in disease genomics.  Nature Review Genetics. 2011;12:417-428.  doi10.1038/nrg2999.
    *** i2b2 ROADMAP for 2011 ***
    Release 1.6 = “Modifier-enabled i2b2”
    Now available at our Software Page.
    This release allows for the use of modifiers to compliment the concept codes and be used in patient queries. For example multiple modifiers such as dose, frequency, and route can enhance the medication entry.

    Major software enhancements
    • Client queries that specify observations should occur in the same encounter or same instance of an encounter
    • Client queries that enable modifiers to be used for specifying patients and encounters
    • Services to allow for the inclusion of previous queries, as well as patient and encounter sets in new Boolean queries
    • Items from Patient and Encounter tables can be used in queries
    • Query performance metrics and enhancements
    • Queries using units other than the normal units (Unit Conversion)
    Release 1.7 = “Temporal Query enabled i2b2”
    Version 1.7 of the i2b2 software features two important innovations. The first is the introduction of temporal queries, an implementation of the temporal theory development from Core 1. This will allow the definition of events from collections of observations, and then the ordering of those events to occur in specific sequences with a specified number of intervening hours or days. The second innovation is support for the identity management cell which will enable the maintenance of protected health information in a separate area of the i2b2 Hive. The workflows that begin with unencrypted, fully identified notes or other kinds of identified data will be able to produce de-identified data at various levels. Depending on the transformation chosen, de-identified data may also be linked back to its original identified data. We anticipate 1.7 to be released in the beginning of 2013. 
    Release 2.0 = “Clinical-Trial enabled i2b2”
    In the summer of 2013 we are planning on the release of a version of i2b2 which represents a bundle of Community Supported i2b2 Plug-ins and Tools. This version will specifically support the end to end use case for the discovery of a set of patients for a clinical trial. Current plug-ins and features will be enhanced and new features added from the i2b2 community to provide increasingly focused selection capabilities to narrow down to a final, well qualified patient set. The process of advancing the levels of approval by data use agreements and institutional review boards will be supported to allow the recruitment process to proceed with the maximal respect for patient privacy and confidentiality. 

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