Monday, October 29, 2012

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement? Examples and Tips

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How to Write a Personal Mission Statement? Examples and Tips

In brief: the article discusses about the definition of the personal mission statement and how one should create a mission statement? The basic guidelines for writing an effective personal career mission statement with examples and tips.

What Is a Personal Mission Statement? DefinitionAs the phrase suggested, a personal mission statement is a statement of purpose for an individual.

A mission statement is designed for a career road map – The directions to follow and means to use for planning ahead ones career.

How to write a personal mission statement?One should know two things in order to develop a good career statement, i.e. personal mission statement:

1. What a personal mission statement does.

2. What s/he want as a professional.

What You Want

Take the time to assess and formulate crisply to yourself what you want from yourself, from life, and from your career.

You should be able to see the whole thing, including the end and how you get to it.

Effective Mission statement – What a Mission Statement Does

A personal statement of mission allows you to find and then express your values, beliefs, and purpose. It shows how you see your own success. It allows you to home in career choices which would be best for you.

Writing the Personal Mission StatementThe following are some guidelines for creating a personal mission statement -

•Make it as crisp and snappy as possible.

•Specify the time frame – long or short term mission.

•State the end result and what you have already accomplished or skills you already possess relevant to that end result.

•Specify the means, tactical and strategic, by which you intent to work towards that goal.

•Concisely list long term and short term goals.

You may prepare a table with a mission statement per row as a checklist.

Goals – Short and Long Term

The mission statement expresses your goals. In the context of applying for a position, goals should be stated both generally and specifically. They should either short or long term goals, depending on the situations, or both.

A note – Long term goal is more of a vision rather than a mission for a person.

Examples of short term and long term goals for a mission statementShort term goal

A typical example of short term goals is professional and self improvement through relevant education.

An ambitious career person knows which areas in his/her life need improvement and works towards those goals.

Mentioning such goals does not detract from your mission statement. On the contrary, it shows ambition, strength, control, etc.

Short term goal which goes hand in hand with professional improvement is increase in professional responsibility and greater financial security.

Long Term Goal

A typical long term goals might be significant advances up the hierarchical ladder within the company you are applying to or within several companies over the course of a long and varied career.

Career Statements: Sample Personal Mission StatementHere are examples of personal mission statement:

7 years career mission statement

Move up the ladder from Consultant to Resource Manager in the field of alternative energy.


•MA and MBA in biology and business management.

•10 years experience as strategic consultant in IDF.

•3 years as consultant in XYZ company.

Means: prove myself as consultant for this firm in the next 3 years; become assistant resource manager for 3 years; establish myself fully as Resource Manager by end of 7th year.

Long and short term goals for your personal mission statement:

•Continue working as consultant for no longer than 3 more years

•Take any necessary training towards management

•Become assistant resource manager

•Become Resource Manager in this or another company by end of 7th year

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